lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014


    To begin, I am really concerned about this matter, the climate change and the air pollution are the consequence of men destructor, who wants liquidate the planet. As well as with himself. He shouldn´t disturb the balance of the environment, otherwise” the nature mother” might be extremely harmful with everybody causing a big world-wide problem.
    Despite of millions  of  advertising campaigns ,people do not take seriously this problem, for instance not everybody in my family separate to recycling waste in their homes and what is more, they don´t think about the pollution products that they throw away and they do not try reduce the pollution in their houses. It is a serious situation and people aren’t concerning about this. There isn´t enough embrace green politics and neither the developing countries help to combat poverty in sub developing countries yet, where there are deprived regions that it will suffer the consequences of climate change , besides there are a  lot of energy problems that will be worse in the future.
    However we can´t expect everything break down. Therefore we must help to eradicate the air pollution using clear and ecologic energies and we should cut with bad habits, for example we can use the public transport or separate the waste, because we are used to taking our cars and is more comfortable not divide the waste. I every day take my bicycle and is the best thing that I never had, because I do sports and I am more ecological.
   To conclude, I consider that is easier be green, if you could be more eco-friendly, you would be better person and you would feel gratification with yourself. The specialists about this kind of things are not very encouraging and the balance is already broken. To sum up, the planet is bleeding; it is our responsibility stop this destruction. Because if we now see away, just now, we can change the awful future that it is waiting.

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